
    Hitoshi Nakazato Series


Hitoshi Nakazato Series

Hitoshi Nakazato, my beloved late husband, was a contemporary artist who is known for his conceptual non-representational geometric paintings and prints. The on-going effort to photograph his work allows me to immerse myself in his color pallet and painterly application of acrylic on canvas and panels.

In my Hitoshi Nakazato Series, I’ve attempted to interpret some of Hitoshi’s signature icons in my necklaces: asymmetry; juxtaposition of different visual elements on the right and left sides; cutting up space into 1/4 s; paying tribute to Sengai late 18th century Japanese Zen monk and artist who painted primary shapes before the European avant-garde; persistent use of black carbon sand. Please check out my source of inspirations at


TOPPI (突飛) NYC - sumi nakazato -

