
3rd Annual Chopsticks NY Cover
Artist Contest
“An Exhibition of the Finalists”

9月28日(火)〜 10月4日(月)
レセプション9月30日(木) 5時〜7時半

開画廊時間 :月〜金 12-6PM/土12-5PM(閉館日:日曜)

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「日本」をテーマにした英字フリーマガジン、Chopsticks NY誌では、今年3月以来、2011年1月号〜12月号の表紙を飾るアーティストを公募、審査して参り
ました。独自の視点から「日本」を表現した、力強い作品が集まり、その中から3段 階の審査を通して優れた5人のアーティストを選出しました。
この度、9月28日〜10月4日にマンハッタンのNY Cooギャラリ ーにて、激戦を勝ち抜いた5人の作品展示会を開催いたします。9月30日には、オープニング・
レセプションを催す予定で す。軽食や飲み物を用意して、皆様のご来場をお待ちしております。

After receiving a BFA in Computer Art at the School Of Visual Arts, Cryssy Cheung established her career as an illustrator and motion designer in New York City. Her work hasbeen gaining popularity in the computer graphic art world and has been featured in publications such as Starved Magazine and Digital Arts Magazine as well as numerous websites.

Audrey Bagley graduated from Brigham Young University where she earned a BFA in Animation. She has worked at Pixar Animation and Disney Studios as a texture artist and contributed to the creation of Toy Story 3. She is currently working for Blue Sky Studios and resides in New York City where she also works as a freelance illustrator.

Graduated from the School Of Visual Arts with a BFA in Illustration, Erin Dodge works as a comic artist, storyboard artist, and illustrator. In regards to her work on the Cover Artist Contest, she says, “I want my work to evoke the feelings and activities of each different
month, thinking outside of the box to make a beautiful and arresting image, which entices visually and emotionally.”

Yoswadi Krutklom studied at Silpakorn University in Thailand and earned a BFA in Visual Communication Design. In 2007, her passion for drawing encouraged her to continue her art education at Savannah College of Art and Design in Georgia, and after graduating, she
moved to New York to follow a career in illustration. Her work has appeared online and through publishers in New York, Portland and Taiwan.

A BFA graduate from Cooper Union, Shawn Park is a mixed-media painter. He also works as a freelance fashion graphic artist and has designed and contributed to highly successful graphic designs and packaging for developing new brands. In regards to the Chopsticks NY Cover Artist Contest, his motif was “to appeal to a wider audience and yet have an edgier and attractive vision to communicate”.

NY Coo Gallery